The knee joint is one of the body’s toughest working parts, which is why it’s so prone to injury. Receiving a knee injury can keep you from your job, or off the playing field if you’re an athlete, for quite some time. Some people opt for medication to help numb the pain, however, there are
Category: PT
6 Things You Need To Start Doing If You Sit All Day At Your Desk
We lead extremely sedentary lives these days compared to 30 or 40 years ago. Millions of people spend several hours each day sitting at a desk, without bothering to get up to do anything other than visit the restroom. When you’re younger, you may not notice the effects of sitting all day, but boy oh
You Need To Read This If You’re Depending On Opioids For Pain Relief
If you’re like the millions of other Americans dealing with the misery of chronic pain day in and day out, you may feel like taking opioids is the only way to feel like a functional person. It’s hard to get your work done or enjoy your hobbies when you’re constantly plagued by pain. Trust us,